Starfishes are known as echinoderms. It is a spiny skinned marine animal. They have a central point along with 5 or more arms. It is an echinoderm mainly because they do not have backbones. They have hard plates as spines as well. Echinoderms have tiny systems inside of their bodies much like these star fishes. They have tubefeet with suction pads. They evolve from animals with bilateral symmetry. They have mesodermal skeletons. the Larvae are ciliated. Their left side of the body tends to grow pentaradically symmetric fashion. It has an, " ambulacral" system in which fluid filled canals function.
Asteroidea is the class of echinoderms that starfish belong to. It has characteristics such as regeneration and mussel feedings. Crinoids area type of marine animal echinoderms which live in shallow water. They have a mouth on their surface along with many arms, which is a common characteristic amongst echinoderms. They have a U shaped gut and contain a five fold symmetry.
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