Monday, May 28, 2012

Memory Blog 7

Chromosome 16 is considered to be "genes that allow learning and memory". This chapter talks about how genomes extract, "useful information from the world by natural selection and embodies that information in it's design." ( 220). It talks about how the brain is the one to help with the body such as with supplies or in the realization of danger. The author brings up the issue of knowledge versus instinct. In that instinct is by genetics whereas knowledge must be acquired through experience. He suggests, " learning gradually gives way to instinct," in that in order to learn something we use instinct to make it easier to modify that knowledge into experience. Later he moves on to explore the topic of learning versus heritability. Eric Kandel, preformed a series of experiments in which to answer the question of what makes learning possible. He wanted to learn the mechanisms in which learning occurs and involved his focus on synapses between neurons. His experiments resulted in the discovery of cylic AMP in which its high activity in brain regions.

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