Cells are important because it is the basic function of life. Carrying Capacity of an environment is important to note because it is the capacity of how many can live in that certain area before running out of resources.Resource Partitioning is important because it means that land is divided according the coexistent species in which they abide by the niche of one another. Population Density is affections how many species can occupy a particular environment which affects the stability of the environment and of whom can survive there. It affects the environment due to the abundance of resources available.
Behavioral Ecology is important because it involves the study of species behavior and of how those behaviors affect its environment. Biogeochemicalcycles are important because they are dependent on the biotic and abiotic niches of the environment. They affect the cycles in which helps to establish new organic matter. Dispersion is important because it involves the spreading of species to different locations. It relates with resource partitioning so that they species get the resources they need and they do not eat other other in terms of predation. Ecology is important because it is the study of how species interaction with each other and why they are able to survive due to these characteristics. Food Chain is important because it also involves species along with their predators along with resources available. Species are minuscule at the bottom of the phone chain in which they become bigger as they climb the food chain to the top. At the top are the big predators. Ecosystem refers to areas that organisms are able to interact with each other. It provides the resources, environment and climate that a species needs in order to survive.
Evolution refers to the change of species from the beginning of time to the present. It is important because it involves the changing characteristic of species in order to adapt to the enviroment.
Bioremeditation goes along with ecosystems because it involves the use of living organisms to help detoxify a given ecosystem. Fixed Action Pattern involves characteristics learned by species which are unchangeable. It is important because it learns habits that affect the way they live and can not be changed, such as when the ducks followed human being, believing that person was their mother.
Ecosystem Services are all the services that ecosystems perform in order to sustain stability and survival on earth.stability is important because it represents the ability of species to return to its original state despite a minor disturbance. It is important because it means that it does not disturb its surrounding enviroments as well. Biodiversity is important because it allows for different species to occupy and environment in which affects the environment and the occupants of that particular environment. Learning affects a species behavior as a result of experience. It is crucial because it allows them to adapt to certain behaviors to ensure its protection such as tactics to fight a predator. Restoration allows for environments to resort back to its original state after disturbances so that the occupants of that environment may return.
Behaviors are crucial to animals because they define the animals ability to survive in surrounding ecosystems.Population refers to the amount of species occupying a certain area. It is important because population affects the ecosystem due to disturbance as well as the ability for the entire population to survive as a result of food availability.